Mr. Raghavendra B.S

Advisor, IPQC

Mr. Raghavendra B.S

He is a seasoned Mechanical Engineer, professional with 30+ years of experience in Manufacturing Operations. He has extensive experience in driving operational and manufacturing excellence. He has the ability to enhance the efficiency of the entire business process of the industry using Good Manufacturing Practices(GMP) and Lean Manufacturing systems effectively resulting in  a profitable World Class Organisation.

He has worked in reputed companies in Automotive/ Aerospace & FMCG industry and has the capability and skills in conceptualising and effecting initiatives to enhance the overall effectiveness of the organisation.(improvement in all areas of manufacturing (PQDSCM)) An effective communicator & team-leader combined with flexible & detail oriented with ability to interact effectively at all levels in the organisation.

Prior to working as a trainer and consultant Raghavendra has worked in Maini Precision Products pvt ltd( DGM LEAN), Rane(Madras)Ltd, Hampson Industries(Green field Project Manager), Electrolux, Videocon Appliances, Suprajit Engineering Group( GM Operations), Aequs Aerospace (VP-Ops), Duroshox Ltd (VP-Ops).

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